Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Join Earth Hour 2013!

"Our future will only be secured if each and every one of us, including each and every one of you, make every hour an Earth Hour… and get actively involved in our communities, in our workplaces, in our schools, in our universities, and spread the message that time is fast running out for the future of this planet.”

"Any activities you can pursue that promotes a peaceful, green, just and equitable world [are] actions that you would be taking to ensure that when the question is asked, ‘What did you do when the world was falling apart, when the future of our children was at risk?’ you can say, ‘I did my part.’ And let’s hope that you can inspire our governments, businesses (and) leaders to do likewise.”

Kumi Naidoo
Greenpeace International Executive Director

            You can save the world! Sign up for Earth Hour               at
  Earth Hour 2013 - March 23, 8:30PM

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